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前奏曲 The Preludes (2024), Single-Channel Video (color, sound), 14'55"


抚仙湖是云南最深的淡水湖泊。因其深幽,似乎有神秘感萦绕不散,而由此生发出围绕着这个湖泊的众多传说。在这个湖泊中也栖居着一种名叫抗浪鱼(Anabarilius grahami)的独特物种,它有着洄游的习性,每年繁殖季节会溯溪而上,到湖边崖壁深处的泉水中产卵。然而,随着在人类活动影响下的湖泊水位的消退,鱼洞干涸离开水面,抗浪鱼无法回返。而类似的情形同样发生在这些高原湖泊周边的传统村落中:失去的土地和传统,遗落在原地的石猫猫。



Fuxian Lake is the deepest freshwater lake in Yunnan.  Because of its depth and seclusion, there is a certain mystery lingering around it, giving rise to various tales surrounding the lake.  Also dwelling in this lake is a unique species called Kanglang fish (Anabarilius grahami), which has a migratory habit of travelling upstream to spawn in springs deep in the cliffs around the lake during the annual breeding season. However, as the water level of the lake recedes under the influence of human activities, the fish nests dry up, and the Kanglang fish are unable to return. A similar situation occurs in the traditional villages around these highland lakes: lost fields, communities and traditions, and stone cats left in the ruins of the old villages.

I use one of these as a motif of taboo and following disaster, trying to find its counterpart in Yunnan's contemporary reality: about memory and loss, about escape and a place to which one can never return.

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