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还归何处2 There They Return Again 2 (2021), Two-Channel Video (color, sound), 37'09"



For Grandpa Mo and his old house



Over a hundred years ago, some pine trees were cut down and transported through the Dianchi lake by boat, and then to the Xiao'er village by bullock carts. These trees became Grandpa Mo's house. Four generations passed, while the new building became old house, and then became ruin and earth. On 31 August 2021, the artist cut down a tree and carried it 30 km to the ruin of the house.


The right screen of this two-channel video shows the demolition of a century-old house in four hours, while in the left screen, the artist re-enacts the construction of the house a century ago: he harvests timber from the West Hill and carries the dozen kilograms wood log on foot around Dianchi Lake, and then riding through the fields on the eastern shore of Dianchi Lake and the newly built suburbs, traversing more than thirty kilometres to reach the demolished house. Here, he erects the wood log on the remaining pillar base. The destruction and renewal of a house are thus framed together here. At the end of the video, the owner of the house, Grandpa Mo, appears and tells the story of the house.

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