Musica Proibita (2024), Single-Channel Video (color, sound), 4'35"
在云南的山顶为一株马缨杜鹃(Rhododendron delavayi)播放卡鲁索。
Playing Caruso for a Rhododendron delavayi on top of a mountain in Yunnan.
American plant hunter Joseph Rock arrived in Yunnan in 1922 and spent the next 27 years examining the native cultures of northwestern Yunnan and western Sichuan. To attract camera-shy locals, Rock invented a method: he used a gramophone to play Caruso songs to the locals and set up his camera to shoot them as they gathered. In Herzog's film Fitzcarraldo, Caruso's songs are also at the heart of the narrative and are used (wishfully by the protagonist) as a mediator between cultures.
Musica proibita
Ogni sera di sotto al mio balcone
Sento cantar una canzone d'amore,
Più volte la ripete
un bel garzone
E battere mi sento forte il core,
Oh quanto è dolce quella melodia!
Oh com' è bella, quanto m' è gradita!
Ch'io la canti non vuol la mamma mia:
Vorrei saper perché me l'ha proibita?
Ella non c'è ed io la vo' cantare
La frase che m'ha fatto palpitare:
Vorrei baciare i toui capelli neri,
Le labbra tue e gli occhi tuoi severi,
Vorrei morir con te,
angel di Dio,
O bella innamorata tesoro mio.
Qui sotto il vidi ieri a passeggiare,
E lo sentiva al solito cantar:
Stringimi, o cara, stringimi al tuo core,
Fammi provar l'ebbrezza dell'amor.
Musica proibita
Every night downstairs to my balcony
I hear a song of love sing,
Repeats it several times
a nice boy
And beat I feel strong the core,
Oh how sweet that melody is!
Oh how beautiful it is, how much it pleases me!
Ch'io sing does not want my mother:
I would like to know why he forbade me?
She is not there and I will sing her
The phrase that made me palpitate:
I would like to kiss your black hair,
Your lips and your severe eyes,
I would like to die with you,
angel of God,
O beautiful in love my darling.
Below I saw her walking around yesterday,
And he heard it as usual singing:
Hold me, or dear, hold me to your core,
Let me experience the thrill of love.