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Der Rhein (2021), Single-Channel Video (color, sound), 35'31"



It's the start of the Rhine project. In this work, I focus on the shaping of the landscape by the river and the microscopic interaction of the traveller's body with the river during the walk. On the 13th of May 2021, I started my walk from the Oberalppass, the source of the Rhine, with the experience I had developed in the mountains of my homeland, Yunnan. Along the way, I tried to respond to the rhythm of the river with my own body and actions: I carried as the river does, picking up a stone upstream, bringing it downstream and exchanging it for a new one. This process is similar to the river's transport and deposition, which continues to carry sediment and gravel along the way and then settles downstream where the water slows down, dynamically shaping new topographies and landscapes. Due to a sudden fracture, my journey ended on the shores of Bodensee, more than two hundred kilometres from the source.

这个作品的主线是河流、地形和介入其中的身体与遭遇的相互作用,这在上述陈述中已经言及。而在这里还有一条暗线,就是我来自故乡的经验与欧洲的自然之间的张力。我来自云南,这是一个地处中国西南边疆的内陆山地省份。这里和瑞士类似,有众多的山地和被南北走向的山脉所区隔的诸多水系:金沙江,澜沧江,怒江,红河,珠江……其中一些河流穿越国境,连通了不同的国家和文化。而我的整个童年都在这片土地上展开,并在这样的山地与河流中形塑了自己的身体经验。在 “情境中的身体” 等系列作品中,我都试图呈现出这些指向记忆和历史的身体经验与被文化形塑的自然之间的张力。然而,这样的经验是否可以通约?带着云南经验的身体是否可以进入另一条穿越欧洲诸国的河流?在这样的遭遇中能够产生什么样的对话?这些问题是Der Rhein 的缘起,也指向因意外而中断的结果。故乡的经验最终在异国的土地上失效。

The main clue of this work is the river, the terrain, and the interactions between them and the body in the encounters, which have already been mentioned in the statement above. There is also an undercurrent of tension between my experiences from my homeland and the nature of Europe. I come from Yunnan, an inland mountainous province on the southwestern border of China. It is similar to Switzerland in that there are many mountains and many rivers separated by mountains: the Jinsha River, the Lancang River, the Nu River, the Red River, the Pearl River... I have spent my entire childhood on this land and have shaped my physical experience in the midst of these mountains and rivers. In the series of works such as "Body in Situations", I have tried to present the tension between these physical experiences, which refers to memory and history, and the nature that has been shaped by culture. However, can such experiences be generalised? Is it possible for a body with the experience of Yunnan to enter another river that crosses the countries in Europe? What kind of dialogue can emerge from such an encounter? These questions are the origins of Der Rhein, and they also foreshadow the results of the accidental interruptions. The experience of the homeland eventually fails in a foreign land.



This work is supported by Pro Helvetia and Gleis 70.

Read more:Fiasco on the Rhine


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