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叠层与漂砾 Stratums and Erratics Part1 (2023), Single-Channel Video (color, sound), 33'36"



This is an art project about roads and places. The perception of a place is often inextricably linked to the embodied perception of how to enter that place, which in turn is linked to the kink of technology, nature and discourse at a certain period. Artist Cheng Xinhao will throw his body and a stone into such a kink: he attempts to kick a stone and walk more than 900 kilometres along the Burma Road from Kunming to the China-Myanmar border, traversing the stratum of the roads as well as the histories. The National Road 320 overlays the Burma Road, the Burma Road overlays the post roads of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the post roads overlay the earlier Western Yunnan Horse Road and the Bonan Mountain Road... Furthermore, parallel to these is a section of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway, the Hangzhou-Ruili Highway, and the never-finished Burma-Yunnan Railway. These road systems are layered vertically with the terroir in which they are situated.  And the artist and his stones will move laterally like erratics, in a constant state of wear and tear, appearing in fortuitous encounters, reembodying the obscured history and nature and the places they form together. A quarter of this trip has covered but the rest was temporarily interrupted by the artist's torn Achilles tendon. Shown here is the finished walk between Kunming and Nanhua.

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